The Changing Lives Series:
Tribute to Ernie Reyes.
West Coast World Martial Arts
The Changing Lives Series: Tribute to Ernie Reyes. West Coast World Martial Arts is an upcoming special edition of the Who's Who in the Martial Arts Biography Book, which will focus on telling stories of martial artists from the West Coast.
50 Years Martial Arts Excellence: Extraordinaire Biography Book
The AMAA Martial Arts Extraordinaire Biography Book features martial artists with 50 or more years in the study. This is the first of its kind paying tribute for martial artists, for their dedication of a half of a century to the martial arts. Our mission is to share the life stories of martial artists that others might be encouraged to follow the search for a positive martial arts journey.
Martial Arts Masters & Pioneers Volume 3 Hardcover - Tribute to GM Chuck Norris
This book will give you a glance into the lives of some of the world's greatest martial artists and answers the question, who's really who in the martial arts? This resource immediately takes a place at the forefront of references covering martial artists and stands out as the new benchmark for martial arts accomplishment.